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An Easter message from Archbishop Ian Ernest

Posted on: April 14, 2022 3:03 PM
Archbishop Ian Ernest
Photo Credit: ACNS/Alex Baker

In my devotion during this Holy Week, I have been deeply touched by what I have received. From my contemplation of the third station of the Cross, I could sense that, as Jesus fell down for the first time, he was exhausted as he was afflicted by the weight of contempt. Devoid of strength, he could have stayed on the ground as many men and women would do when they are humiliated by misery and overwhelmed by disdain and injustice. But, sustained with an unconquerable hope, Jesus got up and continued the journey facing his destiny. As he continues on his way to Calvary, he brings with him all those who live in sorrow and despair. As he embraces them, they are strengthened to continue with hope their life’s journey.

This is indeed the Good News that the events of this Holy Week proclaim in the midst of chaos and disillusion. The pandemic, the various conflicts and wars and their related consequences that we are living through bring about a fear that erodes the trust that our world could be a better world. But Christ on his way to the Cross guides us to a life of fulfilment and freedom.

After the Crucifixion, the Easter Celebration becomes relevant as it confirms the way of life of Jesus which offers us as the hope for a new life here and now. The way of Christ Jesus was to be with the poor, the sick, the needy, the vulnerable. The powerful have rejected Christ but God has fulfilled his promises by raising Christ from the dead.

The Church, through the voices and actions of its leaders, can be consistent and proper when it offers to our broken world a way of life that is true, full of abundant life and sharing in the eternal glory of God.

May the celebration of Easter this year be one that calls for the unity of one and all. May the light of the Resurrection of Christ shine in the hearts of all those who wish to be restored to a new life.

Happy Easter and may the Peace of Christ be always with you!
