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Scottish Episcopal Church Primus pays tribute after death of Duke of Edinburgh Prince Philip

Posted on: April 9, 2021 2:15 PM
Photo Credit: Original Photo from Queensland State Archives

The Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, and Bishop of Moray, Ross and Caithness, Mark Strange, has paid tribute following the death of Prince Philip. Speaking on behalf of the SEC College of Bishops, Bishop Mark said: “We send our love and prayers to Her Majesty and her family on this sad occasion, as they mourn the loss of such a significant figure who has been at the heart of the British Royal Family for more than seven decades.

“We give thanks for the Duke of Edinburgh’s long and faithful role as consort to the monarch, and for his steadfast love of his Scottish home at Balmoral as well as Scottish traditions.

“He leaves behind a tremendous legacy in the shape of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, the youth development programme he founded which has made an enormous difference to the lives of millions of young people here and around the world.”

The Primus is also sending a message of condolence to the Queen on behalf of the Church and has suggested that flags on churches be flown at half-mast in tribute.

At the request of the Primus, the Scottish Episcopal Church Liturgy Committee has prepared a Prayer of Commemoration:

Gracious God, giver of all life,
in whom our earthly course finds its fulfilment:
we give you thanks for the life of Philip, Duke of Edinburgh,
for his service to this nation, the Commonwealth, and humanity,
in war and in peace,
in the pursuit of knowledge,
and in his example of reverence for your creation.
We give thanks for the encouragement he offered to the young,
and for his faithful support for Elizabeth our Queen.
We pray that, as you receive him into your presence,
his family and all who mourn may know your comfort
in the assurance that death is swallowed up in victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God,
now and in eternity.