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Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit urges political leaders to build a united Kenya

Posted on: April 3, 2018 8:53 AM
Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit speaks to reporters after his Easter Sunday service.
Photo Credit: KTN Television News
Related Categories: Abp Sapit, Kenya, Public Affairs, Reconciliation

The Archbishop of Kenya, Jackson Ole Sapit, has urged political leaders in the country to build a united Kenya. Speaking to reporters after an Easter Sunday service, he urged politicians to follow the rule of law and shun tribal politics.

“The great mission that Jesus established – the movement that became the movement of the Church – is a movement of sharing love, sharing reconciliation and bringing ourselves together,” he told KTN television news.

“We also urge now our leaders, as Jesus has risen from the dead, to bring us all together so that we can all come together to build Kenya, build a resilient economy, and build our lives together. We cannot do that by sharply dividing ourselves along tribal lines or party lines.”

Last November, on a visit to Kenya to mark the centenary of All Saints’ Cathedral in Nairobi, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby preached about the need for reconciliation at a service attended by President Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga.

PSCU-President -Uhuru -Kenyatta -greets -Nasa -leader -Raila -Odinga -All -Saints -Centenary -171105

Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta greets opposition leader Raila Odinga during a service last November to mark the centenary of All Saints’ Cathedral in Nairobi. The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby used his sermon in the service to preach about the need for reconciliation.
Photo: Kenyan Presidential Strategic Communications Unit

“This land is the cradle of human beings. Human life started here,” Archbishop Justin said in his sermon in November. “You have the gospel, and you have shown us how to live it. Your churches are vigorous and full. You live in harmony between faiths. Can you not show us how to be a country of reconciliation, that we may learn? There is a deep hunger around the world for an example of great differences handled well.”

Watch the KTN television news report: