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New look and domain for the Episcopal News Service

Posted on: November 2, 2017 1:44 PM
Related Categories: communications, Episcopal News Service, USA

The award-winning online news service of the US-based Episcopal Church has relaunched with a new look, structure, facilities and domain. The Episcopal News Service (ENS) is one of a small number of semi-independent provincial news operations in the Anglican Communion; others include the Anglican Journal in Canada and Anglican Taonga in New Zealand. Previously, ENS was available as a section on the Episcopal Digital Network’s website, which provided a range of resources for Episcopalians. Now, it is available on its new stand-alone domain:

ENS offers in-depth written and multi-media reporting and analysis of local, regional, national and international news for Episcopalians and others interested in the Church’s mission and ministry. Its new site will be “visually appealing, easy-to-navigate and mobile-friendly”, the public affairs office of the Episcopal Church said. “The new ENS website was designed to improve the overall user experience, raise awareness of the news service, and generate further interest and engagement in the life-changing ministries of the Episcopal Church.”

The interim managing editor of the ENS, the Revd Mary Frances Schjonberg, said that the re-launched news service “will continue to place an emphasis on reporting about issues of social justice, and inspiring people to act, engage and connect to make a difference in the world. ENS will also continue its reliable coverage of the ongoing work of the church through its governance and mission priorities.”

The advertising and web manager for ENS, Matt Davies, said that the news service “is a long-standing ministry of storytelling that is pivotal in digital evangelism and informing Episcopalians and others about how the Episcopal Church lives into the Jesus Movement and lives out the gospel in the world.

“With our new responsive website and our continued editorial emphasis on issues of social justice, the ENS team believes it has blended together crucial ingredients to satisfy the hunger for advocacy and engagement, and hopefully ignite the palates of a new generation of activists who long to add to the recipe for global change.”