The Archbishop of Cape Town has been telling Anglican World magazine how his faith was deepened – by the memorable experience of ministering to Nelson Mandela, in the last few years of the former president’s life. Archbishop Thabo Makgoba is bringing out a book on this shortly and has given Anglican World his exclusive reflections ahead of its publication.
The latest edition also focuses on “Intentional Discipleship” – a theme which has its roots in the 2016 meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council. There is a special report from the first meeting of the international co-ordinating group set up to bring life to the vision.
A delegation of Anglican women from around the world gathered recently at the UN in New York, for the 61st UN Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) and found the encounter “transformative.” The article about their two week encounter explains why. Also in this edition, women in Argentina explain how the local branch of the Mother’s Union has transformed their aspirations and deepened their faith.
There’s also a report from the Bishop of Leeds, Nick Baines, on a passiontide retreat in the north of England with an international group of bishops - that involved lots of listening and some frank conversations.
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