Photo Credit: Anglican Journal
A Christmas message by the Primate of the Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil (Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil), Bishop Francisco de Assis da Silva.
The journey to Bethlehem is coming to a close. On this trek we have encountered many people in search of meaning in their lives. Some might be looking for a special blessing. Others are looking for romance or the “perfect” Christmas, so that when they return to the humdrum of daily life they will have a story to share with their friends. And so, these pilgrims have many different expectations in relation to the birth in Bethlehem. We remember that even Herod had his own expectations regarding the miraculous birth (Matt. 2:7)! What are yours?
We can, of course, find in Bethlehem a portrait marked with the contradictions of our society. We see a migrant family who did not plan on having to shelter themselves from the storms of their time, yet they were welcomed by heavenly hosts, by animals, by shepherds, by angels and by wise men under an open sky.
In this complicated situation, a light shone through! It was brighter there than in any other part of that small town, a town so humble and forgotten. The cosmos united in a perfect communion of celestial beings, of voices and joy. The Baby Jesus was born to transform and recreate the universe; he was born to replace the old order with an order of love, justice and truth (Luke 2:14).
The miraculous birth is a guarantee to the oppressed that exclusion and separation are overcome, and that the poor, the immigrants, those without rights will be emancipated. They will sing praises to God and their shouts of joy will never be silenced (Luke 1:51-54)
Have a Merry Christmas and may God give us wise ears and eyes in order to share solidarity, hope, and justice for all of humanity. May Baby Jesus inspire us to become co-constructors of God’s new creation.