[ENS, by Mary Frances Schjonberg] Black clergy from across the US-based Episcopal Church and parts of the Anglican Communion spent more than four days in Houston, Texas, last week, exploring how to reclaim the Episcopal Church’s membership in the Jesus Movement.
The International Black Clergy Conference, titled “The Jesus Movement: Embracing Our Call,” is doing so through plenary presentations, including a keynote address by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry; indaba-style conversations and affinity group meetings.
In his keynote address, titled “The Jesus Movement: Embracing the Call,” Curry repeatedly told participants that the Jesus Movement is not a “Michael Curry concoction” that will have a limited shelf life.
“It is a solemn call to reclaim our deepest origins – the deepest roots of who we are – and to thereby know how to be oriented in a time of profound disorientation,” he said. “We’re taking the long perspective and we’re going deep.”
The Jesus Movement, Curry said, is about evangelism and reconciliation, and more.
“It’s the work of redeeming this creation. It’s the work of helping justice to roll down like a mighty stream,” he said. “This Jesus Movement – following the word of Jesus – will set this world free; set us all free. I didn’t make that up; it’s in the Bible. And, for the Episcopal Church to reclaim that is to reclaim who we are. That, my friends, is a game changer.”
Watch Michael Curry’s keynote address to the International Black Clergy Conference (duration: 49’07”):
- Click here to read Mary Frances Schjonberg’s full in-depth article for the Episcopal News Service; or here for ENS’ full coverage of the conference.