Photo Credit: Anglican Taonga
[Anglican Taonga] More than 400 people turned up at Auckland’s Holy Trinity Cathedral on Sunday afternoon to celebrate 200 years of women’s ministry in this country.
Women from each of the three tikanga, and from the main women’s groups within the church –Mother’s Union, Te Kahui Wahine, Anglican Association of Women and The Anglican Women’s Studies Centre – joined forces to organise this bicentennial celebration, which they called: Weaving into the Future.
The liturgy for the afternoon comprised collected prayer, scriptural readings, and himene/waiata which surrounded three homilies delivered by Rev Becky Heale (Tikanga Pakeha); Rev Jacynthia Murphy (Tikanga Maori) and Rev Lipena Smith (Tikanga Pasefika).
Each of the three women told stories of the past – Becky Heale, for instance, reflected on the pioneer mission work of Charlotte Brown – while Jacynthia Murphy named and gave thanks for all the wives of the Maori bishops, starting with Hana Te Unuhi Mere Paaka, and then (when Hana had died) Arihia Rangioue Pokiha, who were Frederick Bennett’s wives during the daunting years of his episcopate as the first Maori Bishop in Aotearoa.
The idea of the afternoon, says Archdeacon Carole Hughes, was to look at “who and what has gone before us, to work and worship together now in the present – and to work together as women in this church in this land in the future.”