Photo Credit: Church in Wales
God in war is the theme of a radio programme presented by the Archbishop of Wales this month.
Dr Barry Morgan examines the church’s part in supporting and opposing war and finds out about battlefield chaplains in the programme for BBC Radio Wales.
God in War is one of a six-part series called Wales And The Great War, broadcast to commemorate the centenary of the start of the First World War.
The Archbishop considers the role of military chapels, services of Remembrance and Christian attitudes to war. He interviews Army chaplain, Revd Deiniol Morgan, about his experience ministering to soldiers fighting in Afghanistan and talks to historian Patricia Evans who has researched the story of a remarkable Western Front padre from Wales, Revd Peter Jones Roberts.
“The First World War came about because it was felt international rivalry could not be resolved except by war and this clash of national ambitions caused millions to die because we had not yet discovered other ways of resolving them except through armed conflict,” says Dr Morgan.
“The Christian faith reminds us of our weakness and fallibility as human beings and of the values of things such as liberty, respect for weaker peoples and that no nation is exempt from the laws of morality and the need for peaceful co-existence.”
God in War will be broadcast on Radio Wales on Sunday, August 31 at 1.30pm. It will be repeated on Monday, September 1 at 6.30pm and Tuesday, September 2 at 5.30am.
The series is produced by Greg Lewis and is a Silin production for BBC Radio Wales.