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Japan: Anglican Church issues prayers for disaster commemoration

Posted on: February 26, 2014 3:09 PM
Related Categories: Japan

From Nippon Sei Ko Kai, the Anglican Church in Japan

In Commemoration of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

These prayers may be used to commemorate the third anniversary of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami at commemoration services on 11th March, at Sunday services on 9th March 2014, or thereafter. 

Most merciful and compassionate Lord, we remember before you the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, which took place (____)* years ago. We pray that you will sustain those in the affected areas; those living in places of refuge; especially those who suffer because of the various hardships they experience in Japanese society; and those who have lost hope in the future. (We particularly pray for ____) *In March 2014, the word ‘three’ may be inserted here.

We remember before you those who have lost their livelihoods due to the nuclear accident, as well as the damage that has been done to the natural environment. We ask you to protect those forced to live far from their homes; those engaged in dangerous work; and their families. Please lead in the ways of righteousness those in positions of responsibility in government and society.

Help us always to remember those suffering in these situations. We ask you to strengthen the work of the NSKK project “Let’s Walk Together Part II” and lead all of us, so that we may join together in body and spirit and continue to walk together with those who suffer.

Lord, source of all life, we ask you to gather in your loving arms all victims of the Great Japan Eastern Earthquake and Tsunami; and victims of war and natural disaster all over the world. Grant them eternal peace.

In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Responsive prayers

Officiant: Most merciful and compassionate Lord, we remember before you the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, which took place (____)* years ago. We pray that you will sustain those in the affected areas; those living in places of refuge; especially those who suffer because of the various hardships they experience in Japanese society; and those who have lost hope in the future. (We particularly pray for ____) *In March 2014, the word ‘three’ may be inserted here.

Congregation: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Officiant: We remember before you those who have lost their livelihoods due to the nuclear accident, as well as the damage that has been done to the natural environment. We ask you to protect those forced to live far from their homes; those engaged in dangerous work; and their families. Please lead in the ways of righteousness those in positions of responsibility in government and society.

Congregation: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Officiant: Help us always to remember those suffering in these situations. We ask you to strengthen the work of the NSKK project “Let’s Walk Together Part II” and lead all of us, so that we may join together in body and spirit and continue to walk together with those who suffer.

Congregation: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Officiant: Lord, source of all life, we ask you to gather in your loving arms all victims of the Great Japan Eastern Earthquake and Tsunami; and victims of war and natural disaster all over the world. Grant them eternal peace.

Congregation: In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.










(2014年2月 日本聖公会主教会)




司式者 慈(いつく)しみ深(ふか)い神(かみ)、慰(なぐさ)めの主(しゅ)よ、(――年(ねん)を経(へ)た)東(ひがし)日(に)本(ほん)大(だい)震(しん)災(さい)を覚(おぼ)えて祈(いの)ります。どうか、被(ひ)災(さい)地(ち)にある人(ひと)、避(ひ)難(なん)生(せい)活(かつ)を強(し)いられている人(ひと)、特(とく)に日(に)本(ほん)社(しゃ)会(かい)の中(なか)で生(い)きることの困(こん)難(なん)に苦(くる)しむ人(ひと)、将(しょう)来(らい)の希(き)望(ぼう)を見(み)い出(だ)せない人(ひと)(ことに―――)を支(ささ)えてください

 会衆 主(しゅ)よ、お聞(き)きください

司式者 原(げん)子(し)力(りょく)発(はつ)電(でん)所(しょ)事(じ)故(こ)により、失(うしな)われた自(し)然(ぜん)と人(ひと)々(びと)の生(せい)活(かつ)を覚(おぼ)えます。故(ふる)郷(さと)を離(はな)れて生(せい)活(かつ)する人(ひと)、危(き)険(けん)な作(さ)業(ぎょう)に従(じゅう)事(じ)する人(ひと)とその家(か)族(ぞく)をお守(まも)りください。そして政(せい)治(じ)と社(しゃ)会(かい)に責(せき)任(にん)を持(も)つ人(ひと)々(びと)に正(ただ)しい道(みち)を歩(あゆ)ませてください

 会衆 主(しゅ)よ、お聞(き)きください

司式者 わたしたちもまた、これらの苦(く)難(なん)をつねに覚(おぼ)えることができますように。日(にっ)本(ぽん)聖(せい)公(こう)会(かい)「いっしょに歩(ある)こう・パートⅡ」の働(はたら)きを強(つよ)めてください。そしてわたしたちも思(おも)いと力(ちから)を合(あ)わせて、共(とも)に歩(あゆ)み続(つづ)けることができるように導(みちび)いてください

 会衆 主(しゅ)よ、お聞(き)きください

司式者 いのちの源(みなもと)である主(しゅ)よ、東(ひがし)日(に)本(ほん)大(だい)震(しん)災(さい)のすべての犠(ぎ)牲(せい)者(しゃ)、そして世(せ)界(かい)各(かく)地(ち)の災(さい)害(がい)と争(あらそ)いの中(なか)で生命(いのち)を失(うしな)った人(ひと)々(びと)を、あなたのみ腕(うで)の中(なか)に抱(いだ)き、永(えい)遠(えん)の安(やす)らぎを与(あた)えてくださいますように

 会衆 主(しゅ)よ、これらの祈(いの)りを主(しゅ)イエス・キリストのみ名(な)によってお願(ねが)いいたします。アーメン