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Ailing grandmother avoids deportation at Montreal church

Posted on: October 9, 2013 3:40 PM
Ailing grandmother faces deportation
Photo Credit: CBC News
Related Categories: Canada, deportation, montreal

[CBCNews] An ailing 57-year-old grandmother is taking refuge in a Montreal church to avoid an order for her deportation to Pakistan.

Supporters of Kurshid Begum Awan, who arrived in Canada in 2011 with her husband and grandson, say her health is too fragile to deport her.

“I recognize that some would say we’re breaking the law but I would suggest that we are challenging the law based on humanitarian and compassionate grounds,” said Rev. Barry Bryan Clarke, Anglican Bishop of Montreal.

Awan filed for refugee status for her and her family upon their arrival. She claimed they were targeted by extremist groups back in Pakistan and could not return.

The full article can be found here