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Prayers surround Waikato election

Posted on: July 10, 2013 4:16 PM
Photo Credit: Anglican Diocese of Waikato and Taranaki
Related Categories: New Zealand, waikato

[Anglicantaonga by Jayson Rhodes] Prayerful support is sought in the leadup to nominations for a new bishop in the Diocese of Waikato and Taranaki.

The Electoral College arrangements committee, meeting in Hamilton today, received the names of 10 candidates for the 7th Bishop of Waikato.

The Archbishop's Commissary for the Electoral College, Bishop Kelvin Wright, says confidentiality, including the names of the candidates, is important, but that does not prevent wide prayerful support for the candidates and the diocese in its preparations. 

"It is 21 years since the last Bishop for the Waikato was elected, it is a sacred task that is held by the diocese and one that the Province can support through prayer," says Bishop Kelvin.

The Electoral College will begin on Friday, August 16 in Hamilton.

All inquiries about the Electoral College process should be directed to the Diocesan Manager, the Rev Canon Denise Ferguson, ph 07 857-0435.

The arrangements committee has appointed the Rev Jayson Rhodes as media and communications consultant for the Electoral College.