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Archbishop Chama: "Anglican Alliance a catalyst for change"

Posted on: May 31, 2013 1:52 PM
New Chair of the Anglican Alliance - Development, Relief & Advocacy
Photo Credit: ACNS

From the Anglican Alliance

"A catalyst for change" across the Communion is how Archbishop Albert Chama of Central Africa describes the Alliance, as he takes on the position of Chair of the new Board of Trustees.

The Primate will be leading the Anglican Alliance into a new stage of its life as a charity with a global board, bringing forward a new programme for its development, relief and advocacy across the Anglican Communion.

"The Anglican Alliance can be a catalyst for change, bringing people together across the Communion in our shared mission to build a world free of poverty and injustice," he said. 

"Our vision is enshrined in the Anglican marks of mission, and manifested in the lives of millions of Anglicans around the world who minister to people in the most desperate circumstances, providing pathways out of poverty, and mobilising the prophetic voice of the Church against injustice.

"Central Africa includes some of the communities most affected by poverty: refugees from conflict, children orphaned by HIV and Aids. We also have some of the most inspiring examples of churches and agencies of the Anglican Communion creating sustainable and enduring change: micro-finance schemes for the poor, livelihood programmes for orphans and vulnerable children, advocacy to persuade governments to promote equality for women.

"I will draw from the life and witness of the Church in Central Africa in my new role as Chair of the Anglican Alliance board of trustees, Anglicans from all parts of the Communion, with expertise in development relief and advocacy.

"It falls to us to take forward the Alliance, to realise the potential of the vision, to support and build on the good practice, to network, build capacity, share expertise, harness resources and skills for mutual support and use the leverage of the worldwide Communion to benefit the dispossessed. Already the Alliance has shown how we can move forward in development, relief and advocacy.

"It is a huge and challenging task – possible in the sure knowledge that the prayers of 85 million Anglicans around the world will be with us," he says.

The Anglican Alliance board will be developing its new programme for action during the coming months for consultation and agreement early next year.