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Latvian Church Delay in Porvoo

Posted on: March 4, 1996 3:24 PM
Related Categories: Ecumenical, Lutheran, porvoo

Latvian Lutherans have postponed signing the Porvoo Declaration because of unhappiness with the Thirty-Nine Articles. They voted to put off a decision on signing the Porvoo declarations, an intercommunion agreement between the Anglican Churches in the British Isles and Baltic and Nordic Lutheran Churches.

The Church will now have an intensive stage of studies and consultations. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia was isolated from ecumenical contacts while Lativa was part of the Soviet Union and it is the only Lutheran Church to make this decision on the Porvoo process. Their reservations about Porvoo are to do with concern over the Calvinism reflected in the Anglican formularies - especially the 39 Articles; over whether terms of agreement were consonant with Lutheran confessional documents; and over contemporary matters such as women priests and homosexuality.