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Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America

Archbishop Julio Murray

18 February 2020 10:10AM

This Sunday in the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, Anglicans around the world will be praying for the Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America. Here, Archbishop Julio Murray introduces the Province and suggests ítems for prayer.

The Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America (IARCA) (Anglican Church of the Central Region of America), is made up of the Dioceses of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Panama. Five dioceses from five different countries. Five dioceses with a rich cultural diversity. Five dioceses in countries with their own political, social and economic characteristics.

Our journey in the Anglican Communion as an autonomous province began in 1998. Our journey of presence in this region of America is almost two hundred years old. It has been a journey that moved from the stage of chaplaincy to the mission stage.

Today we declare that we are a Church that seeks to be visible in our context. In the midst of the realities of our communities, we seek to be that voice that rises up against injustice, oppression, violence, and the degradation of human integrity and of all creation. We are a Church with a voice that announces hope, transformation and a renewal of life. We are a Church that, using its hands, seeks to serve all people, without exception, seeing in each one of them the face of Jesus Christ. We are a Church that is called to become a community of disciples who have understood and who live the message of the good news. We are a Church that is committed to the cause of He who incarnated and who lived to serve, to love and to surrender for the sake of humanity. We are a Church that recognises the liturgy as an encounter with God where life is celebrated and from where our efforts are directed for the building of the Kingdom.

We are a Church that sees itself as one more sister of this Anglican family, and also as one more sister of the Christian family. A Church that seeks fraternity and ecumenical and inter-religious unity. A Church that seeks to have a presence in all ecumenical and inter-religious efforts, both for the liturgical celebration and for the advocacy among our communities, and to bear witness to peace and unity.

We are a Church that, in our twenty-two years, continues to affirm its commitment to being faithful to the mission entrusted by Jesus Christ to His disciples (Matthew 28: 19 – 20). We are also a Church that works every day, striving for a firm commitment to financial sustainability in our province and each one of its dioceses.

We are IARCA, and from where we are, in Central America, we pray for all our brothers and sisters of the Anglican Communion and ask for your prayers:

  • For the poor in our countries, for all the people in our countries who emigrate in search of better life opportunities. For our Central American people, for their hopes and desires.
  • For our desire to continue strengthening our Discipleship.
  • For the Provincial Strategic Planning Process.
  • For the Theological Education Processes of each Diocese and for CAETS, our provincial center for theological education.
  • For the Ministry of Women.
  • For the Ministry of Children and Youth.
  • For our pastoral work with indigenous groups.
  • For our House of Bishops.
  • For the Clergy and for new vocations.
  • For our unity as a Province

… We ask for your prayers

Brothers and sisters of the Anglican Communion: Grace and peace to you all, from God Our Father and the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. We love you.