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The power of forgiveness and healing

The power of forgiveness and healing

The Revd Sister Veronica CSC

28 February 2019 12:56PM

The Provincial Sister of the Community of the Sisters of the Church in the Solomon Islands, the Revd Sister Veronica CSC, comments on a recent International Peace and Reconciliation Workshopheld in the province.

“I am the good shepherd.  As the Father knows me and I know the Father, in the same way I know my sheep and they know me.  And I am willing to die for them.  There are other sheep which belong to me that are not in this sheep yard, I must bring them, too, they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock with one shepherd” (John 10:14 – 16).

From 19 – 23 February 2019, the Community of the Sisters of the Church at Tetete Ni Kolivuti (TNK), had the privilege to host an International Peace and Reconciliation Workshop held at our place. This was our first experience to offer hospitality for an international group within the region in the Pacific.

These Christian men and women were wounded by trauma during the unrest that some pacific countries experienced in the past years.  The aim of this workshop was to offer a sacred space where these wounded people could express their frustration, pain and anger in a non-judgmental environment. 

They were identified to attend a workshop on collaborative learning and sharing experiences that affected their respective countries conflict.  The workshop included areas such as reintegration, rehabilitation, reconciliation, healing and forgiveness. These Christians are brave because they do not want to carry the baggage of the past but to let go and surrender themselves to Christ’s power of forgiveness, reconciliation and healing.

The good shepherd is present in such a situation.  Christ does not want any of his children to suffer the pain of the past, but to be liberated and to celebrate the power of the crucified Christ and His resurrection.  The opening text speaks clearly to such situation about the love of Christ for us Christians, and those who need God’s love and forgiveness.

Our world today is in desperate need of forgiveness and healing.  As Christians, we have a great task to proclaim that forgiveness and healing is more powerful than guns, hatred and division.  It overlooks the human weakness and sees Christ in each person.  There is no other way of living a positive and purposeful life, but only through the power of the resurrection.

World Peace Prayer:

Lead us Lord God from death to life

From falsehood to truth

Lead us from despair to hope

From fear to trust, lead us from hate to love.

From war to peace, let peace fill our hearts, our world, and our universe.
