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News Stories


Centenary of Japanese mission in Brazil celebrated by visit of NSKK Primate Luke Moto

The Primate of the Nippon Sei Ko Kai has visited Brazil on the Centenary of the first Japanese Anglican Missionary to arrive in Brazil.

18 May 2023

Anglican Consultative Council vote shapes new Anglican Communion Standing Committee

The result of elections to the Standing Committee of the global Anglican Communion of Churches has been announced during ACC-18.

18 February 2023

Anglican network warns of Covid-19 impact on indigenous communities around the world

The Anglican Indigenous Network is concerned that “one size fits all” responses to Covid-19 will not give indigenous people an equal chance of surviving the disease.

20 April 2020

Anglicans from Latin America call for united action to tackle migrant injustices

Solidarity among those supporting migrants across Latin America is vital to help tackle injustices, according to a gathering of Anglicans.

28 November 2019

Brazilian bishops blame Amazon fires on ‘greed and hatred’

A group of 15 Brazilian bishops in Brazil have called on their government to take action to stop the spread of fires in the Amazon.

04 September 2019

Brazil’s Archbishop highlights justice and peace in Week of Prayer for Christian unity

The Primate of the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil, Naudal Gomes, has highlighted the struggle for justice alongside peaceful dialogue.

07 June 2019

Church of England to convene high-level investor meeting to consider dam safety

Investors with combined assets of more than £3 trillion have welcomed mining company BHP’s announcement on tailings dam safety.

19 February 2019

New Anglican Communion bishops receive induction in Canterbury, Lambeth and the ACO

Archbishop Justin Welby will today welcome 29 new Anglican bishops from around the world to his official residence Lambeth Palace.

07 February 2019

Anglican leaders conclude regional Primates’ Meeting with hope

Anglican Primates from the Americas and the Caribbean have Committed to continue meeting regularly and working together in future.

29 November 2018

Archbishop of Central America elected to Anglican Communion’s Standing Committee

Archbishop Julio Murray of Central America has been elected as the Americas Primate on the Anglican Communion’s Standing Committee.

28 November 2018