Résumé des nouvelles hebdomadaires de l’Agence d’information de la Communion anglicane, le vendredi 9 novembre 2018
09 November 2018
Resumen semanal de noticias del Servicio de Noticias de la Comunión Anglicana a viernes 9 de noviembre de 2018
09 November 2018
The Iglesia Anglicana de Chile has been inaugurated as the latest province of the Anglican Communion in a service of joy in Santiago.
05 November 2018
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is travelling to Santiago to officially inaugurate the newest Province of the Anglican Communion.
01 November 2018
La Iglesia Anglicana de Chile, actualmente diócesis de la Iglesia Anglicana de América del Sur, se convertirá en la 40.a Provincia de la Comunión Anglicana.
04 October 2018
The Iglesia Anglicana de Chile – currently in the Anglican Church of South America – will become the 40th province of the Anglican Communion.
02 October 2018
An official delegation has concluded a visit to Chile ahead of a decision on whether it will become 40th Province of the Anglican Communion.
15 August 2018
The Anglican Church of South America has ratified the election of diocesan bishops to serve the proposed independent Anglican province of Chile.
29 May 2018
The Diocese of Chile in the Anglican Church of South America could become its own autonomous province of the Anglican Communion.
03 May 2018