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It’s #Good2BAnglican says Mozambique and Angola Anglican Association

Posted on: February 24, 2016 2:46 PM
The confirmation of these children and adults in Chuanga, Mozambique, was used by MANNA to demonstrate commitment as part of their #Good2BAnglican Lent campaign.
Photo Credit: Manna

[ACNS] The mission agency Manna, the Mozambique and Angola Anglican Association, believes it is good to be Anglican and are demonstrating this belief by publishing 40 good news stories throughout Lent on social media using the hashtag #Good2BAnglican and its own website.

Manna, which supports the dioceses of Angola, Lebombo and Niassa in the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, explains its campaign by saying: “Some amazing things are going on in the Anglican Communion today. But we don’t always hear about them or celebrate them. This Lent, we shall be looking at 40 stories behind 40 photos, from which we shall be praying 40 simple prayers to celebrate the fact that it’s #Good2BAnglican.”

Beginning on Ash Wednesday, Manna has published a series of captivating photos alongside short text stories and brief prayers. Focusing on their core area of Mozambique and Angola, Manna began its series by posting a piece headed “Commitment”.

“Across Mozambique and Angola, the Anglican Church is growing. Fast,” they wrote “Often hidden in the rural areas where we don’t see. In simple grass hut churches with #worshiplikeyoumeanit. And at the heart of this growth is commitment. Young and old. Male and Female. Adults and children choosing for Jesus, to live their lives for Him on a daily basis. These children and adults in Chuanga, Mozambique chose to be confirmed to show their commitment to Jesus Christ.”

It was followed by the prayer: “Lord Jesus, Bless and protect all those baptised and confirmed. Renew them daily with the life giving water of your Spirit. May they shine as lights in the world. Amen.”

Each day of the #Good2BAnglican Lent campaign has followed the same template; with stories on issues including church growth, the protection of children from child marriage, and protection of rural communities cut off by flooding.

Yesterday, day 14 of the campaign, Manna highlighted the work of two volunteers from local Anglican churches who deliver antiretroviral medicines “to those living with HIV, come rain or shine, through very tough conditions.”

You can watch the campaign by following @MANNA_UK on Twitter or searching for the hashtag #Good2BAnglican.