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16 Days of Activism - Anglican men speak out!

Posted on: October 29, 2014 3:19 PM
The video features ten men in different parts of the Anglican Communion.
Related Categories: gender violence, Global, iawn

By ACNS staff 

“As men of faith, we can take responsibility to speak out and end violence against women and girls.” This is the core message of a short video just released in the run-up to the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence.

The video features ten men in different parts of the Anglican Communion. They are (in order of appearance) Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Canada; Felipe Saravia, Chile; Bishop William Mchombo, Eastern Zambia, Central Africa; Archbishop Barry Morgan, Wales; Bishop Andy Doyle, Texas, USA; Archbishop Philip Freier, Melbourne, Australia; Archbishop Francisco da Silva, Brazil; Revd Professor Renta Nishihara, Rikkyo University, Japan; Bishop Chad Gandiya, Harare, Zimbabwe, and Archbishop Winston Halapua, Polynesia.

“Typically, activists during the 16 Days have been women”, said the Revd Terrie Robinson, Director for Women in Church & Society at the Anglican Communion Office. “So it’s always very encouraging when men stand in solidarity with women, speak out and make a commitment to act to end and prevent gender based violence – and encourage other men to do the same.”

“The video is an inspiring addition to the growing collection of resources we now have to help us plan for participation in the 16 Days in our dioceses and parishes. I am so grateful to the Anglican men who were filmed separately in their home locations for the final video. They didn’t hesitate for a second when asked to take part in the project. Their positive message will affirm work that’s already going on around the Communion to end the misery caused by gender-based violence and it will inspire new work too.

“We know that men and boys can be victims and survivors of gender based violence too. For the 16 Days, the focus is on ending violence against women and girls but any activism that promotes equal and respectful relationship will be good news, all year round, whoever and wherever we are.”

The video is at An accompanying leaflet is at

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence begin on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and end on 10 December, Human Rights Day.

The Anglican Communion is a member of the We Will Speak Out coalition against sexual violence

For more resources for the 16 Days, see:
Follow @AnglicansEndGBV

Contact: The Revd Terrie Robinson [email protected]