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"Baptism is common to us all" - an update from the Anglican-Roman Catholic dialogue

Posted on: May 20, 2011 3:45 PM
Participants of ARCIC III
Photo Credit: ACNS
Related Categories: ARCIC

The Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission is spending its first few days reviewing the work of the previous phases of work, particularly looking at what ARCIC I and II said about ecclesiology and ethics. It is doing this within a context of regular community prayer with the members of the Monastery of Bose. Biblical study of the Epistle to the Ephesians, led by the co-chairs, provides a biblical framework for the days’ discussions.

Today, Friday, the Commission looked particularly at the mandate given to it, which is to engage in theological dialogue and reflection with the tasks of:

  • Re-examining how the goal (to seek “restoration of complete communion in faith and sacramental life” is to be understood today 
  • Presenting the work of ARCIC II for reception  
  • Continuing to work in the established dialogue method
  • Discussing the Church as communion, local and universal, and  
  • How in communion the local and universal Church discern right ethical teaching

The Commission was blessed by a visit from Bishop Gabriele, bishop of the local diocese of Biella. He said that in his cathedral there is a baptistery with a font which is older than the division of Christianity in 1054. He has given permission for all Christians to use this baptistery, for baptism is common to us all. The more we love our Lord, he said, the easier it is for us to come closer to one another.